The First Post

Hello! This is my first ever blog post on the internet. In this article, I’ll briefly introduce myself, explain why I made this blog, and go over the tools used to make it.

Starting Up

My name is Mike Wang.

I have never been the type of person to pursue their wildest ambitions and dreams. In fact, I’m not even entirely sure if I have any ambitions at all. I have had crazy ideas float around in my head, but never found the courage, dedication or heart to act on those desires.

So I decided to take the plunge. As the type of person who barely uses social media, let alone write, I decided to create my personal blog, I have long desired to have a place where I can freely express my opinions; a place free from hate, vitriol or censorship. This will be the place where I begin doing just that.

You can read more about me in the about page in the top right.

The Tools of the Trade

This site was generated with Hugo, a fast and easy-to-use static site generator. As someone with minimal experience in HTML and CSS, this was a life-saver. In fact, I have already learned so much from writing this post alone. I am still a total noob, though, so things might look rough around here for a while.

This site is using the Etch theme, which looks great! Super clean and simple IMO. You can find the link to it here. Thank you, Lukas Joswiak!

The source files for this site reside in a GitHub repository that is automatically built by Cloudflare Pages, who also does the hosting. I will try to make a separate blog post/tutorial for anyone interested. I will also probably open-source the codebase at a later date once I finish tweaking the site.

That’s all I got for now! I will try to post semi-regularly here to familiarize myself with Hugo, Markdown, and all of the other quirks of self-hosting a blogging site.
